After spending time with his infant nephew, Javier decides to have a child and asks Felicity to donate an egg that his aunt would carry to term for him and his male partner. Noel tries to kiss Jane and discovers that her heart is set on another man.
SONG: "Goodbye"
ARTIST: The Crash Poets
ALBUM: Big Bang Theory [coming in January 2001]
SCENE: Noel asks for Felicity's advice on what he should do about the Jane email password situation. Felicity tells him, "If there's one guy who doesn't have to lie to get a girl's attention, it's you. Trust me."
SCENE: Noel finally tells Jane the truth and she kicks him out.
[scene not yet verified]
SCENE: Javier and Samuel open baby presents. Their potential egg donor shows up unexpectedly and discovers the truth about them.
[This was an old jazz song, possibly Dean Martin. Even though I could hear parts of the lyrics, I can't find ANYTHING on this song.]
Lyrics I could hear (these are probably NOT in order or correct): "no more stormy weather...feet on the ground... no more searchin'...out in the rain.. rather be sane...that's what love's all about
SONG: "Lisa's Theme"
ALBUM: Big Sir
SCENE: Richard finds Noel at the bar and tells him all about how he lost his virginity to Jane Scott.
SONG: "In You I Believed"
ARTIST: Nile Jacobs
SCENE: Ending song - the one you've all been asking about. Here are some of the lyrics:
And I the angels...and I the rising stars...and I believed...I could walk on water...I believed...just because of who you are....and I believed...
[12/14/00 - can't find ANYTHING on this artist or this song, but the official Felicity site lists it. I'm only *assuming* this is the closing song, based on its title. If anyone knows anything, email me! Or Nile Jacobs if you are out there, please email me too!]