SONG: "Because of You"
ARTIST: Kit Hain
ALBUM: ???
SCENE: Girls in the kitchen, Molly is cooking "Bubbles & Squeak". Julie comes in and talks about Ben's father being missing... something Ben didn't tell Felicity about.
SCENE: Molly tells Felicity what her psychic mom said about Felicity's situation with Ben. Sean obsesses over his nose, asks Noel for his opinion. Elena mentions her theory on why Julie is behaving strangely. Meghan and Sean fight about his nose. Natalie shows up to talk to Noel... gives him a gift of computer RAM.
SCENE: More fighting over Sean's nose. Noel explains to Natalie that things are over and he wants the annulment. Natalie walks out. Even MORE fighting over Sean's nose.
SONG: "Where We Stand"
ARTIST: Robert McEntee
ALBUM: Preserving The Eror
SCENE: After Natalie messes up Noel's attempt at annulment once again, Noel goes to confront her. Natalie wants to stay together, and Noel finally agrees but only if they get an annulment and start fresh.